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Ashbourne Rugby Club

  /  Latest News   /  Your Club Your Country IRFU Draw

Your Club Your Country IRFU Draw

It is November and Ashbourne RFC participate in the IRFU Your Club Your Country draw every year. It has become one of the clubs main fund raising activities with all the funds raised by the club in the IRFU draw coming straight to the club.

We are very aware that it a challenging year for everybody but the club is endeavoring to maintain the same level of activity for all our members, young and old!

The prizes are listed below and yes we have had winners in the past including the main prize!

Please follow the link below and buy some tickets please and encourage your friends and family to do so as well.

As we said all this money comes into the club and will be used to support all activity within Ashbourne Rugby Club

Thank you in advance for your support

Follow this link to buy your tickets and they are €10 each.
